Sis. Wonder Bouie, Chairperson                              Sis. Traci Banks, Asst. Chairperson 

Fundraising Committee's responsibility is to find, create and implement fundraising opportunities that are beneficial, functional and most importantly, ones that are within the boundaries of our Christian values and beliefs. We actively attend and participate in monthly board meetings, headed by First Lady Cheryl Banks along with other extraordinary women; contributing and sharing to the discussion of the potential financial goal and expected expenditures for the fiscal year. Our goal for this ministry is to present fundraisers that are fun, ones that encourage teamwork, promote togetherness and unity between the Women of BCOG-WPB.

Deuteronomy 15:10-"Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto."