The primary objective of the Deacon Ministry at BCOG-WPB are rooted in biblical principles: to assist our Pastor in his mission and vision, (Acts 6:3-4), to be a shining example of Christian virtues (2 Peter 1:5-8), to be humble (Galatians 5:13), and to establish a bond with members promoting openness, encouragement and trust (Galatians 5:22-25).
We, the Deacons of Bible Church of God -WPB are honored to be of srvice to our members as well as the community. We exist to serve, help, share, and care for the people. We believe Jesus is the head of the church. He is Lord, Savior and Shepherd. We recognize our Pastor as the undershepherd of our people, and we follow his leadership as he follows God. Our board humbly, functions as Personal Spiritual Assistants to ensure that every church family member receives the attention, care, support, and guidance for his/her spiritual growth.